Compact Natal Plum - Flowering - Outdoor Plants |

Compact Natal Plum

Carissa Grandiflora Boxwood Beauty

SKU 515


AED 32


AED 37

14% off

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20cm - 30cm

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Default Plastic Pot


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Plant Care


During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


During summer season keep the plants in shaded area and during winter season plants can withstand direct/indirect light.


During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area. During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight.


Fruit and Flower Fertilizer

Plant Bio

The natal plum is a beautiful tropical shrub. Like Indian hawthorn, it is used frequently in commercial landscapes. Its pretty white flowers are star-shaped and fragrant and produce edible red fruit. However, only the fruit is edible; the rest of the plant is toxic.

For best results, plant natal plum in sandy soil that drains well, as this will help naturally deter root rot.

Grow natal plum in a location that receives full sun for the best results. It will also do fine in part sun but will likely not have as many flowers and fruits.

Natal plums are not picky about soil, so long as the soil is well-drained; in general, they prefer slighting acid or neutral pH. These plants are salt-tolerant and do well near the coast.

Water monthly to weekly depending on the variety, but be careful not to overwater as Natal plum is susceptible to root rot. Good drainage is very important; an easy way to do this is to place the pot on elevated pebbles. Natal plum is drought tolerant.

Natal plum does need a moister environment, and you can use a moisture tray under the plant to maintain humidity (being sure that the roots are not kept in the water). Another option is to mist your plants several times a week. It must be brought indoors in winter in colder climates; to keep it fungus-free, you will need to run a fan nearby. Use a fertilizer that has equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This will help maintain the shrub's general health and promote fruiting.

Be cautious when planting natal plum in a household with pets or children. The fruit is the only part of the plant that is not poisonous.

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